Rogue Rovers

Mars with twinkling stars

Space rocks! Players learn about rocks found on Mars, while battling for the rarest finds in an exciting multiplayer game.


For the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) game jam, I joined a small team of developers and artists to make a game centred around the theme “space rocks” – in 48 hours!

Inspired by Curiosity rover’s mission on Mars, we set out to create a game where players discover geological specimens that would help researchers find evidence of life on Mars – while having loads of fun! The result? An engaging, competitive game that involves lots of rock smashing and a dash of science messaging. Rogue Rovers is now part of the ROM’s their learning resources catalogue available to the public.

Game credits / Game design: Joyce Hui (rurupoi), Michael Kent, Susan Park, Brendan Polley / Development: Michael Kent, Brendan Polley / Art: Joyce Hui (rurupoi) / 3D modelling: Susan Park

Full gameplay video


Rover about to smash a rock.

Early look development

Drawings of different types of Mars rocks

Rock icon concepts

Rough pen doodles of the rover design.

Early character and UI doodles

Rough pen doodles of the gameplay.

Rough storyboards

Player looks at large screen displaying Rogue Rovers game

Rogue Rovers has been featured at the ROM’s Friday Night Live event and Escape to Planet ROM for the Holidays arcade, exhibits that attracted over 10,000 visitors. The game was also brought on ROM’s school visits for play-testing by students from grades 6–8. Rogue Rovers continues to be featured on the ROM’s learning resources catalogue.